Upcoming start dates: March 6th and April 10th
Space is limited - sign up now at politepuppy@friendshiphospital.com

Congratulations on your new puppy! I wish you the very best for a long and healthy life together. At Friendship Hospital for Animals, we are committed to providing you the most up-to-date, inclusive care for the life of your dog. To help get you started on the right paw, we offer two exciting puppy programs at Friendship.

If you are interested in comprehensive training and wellness care recommendations, I would love for you to enroll in the Polite Puppy Class. This six-week long class is open to puppies ages 8-20 weeks, and will help you sort through the important life-long habits necessary to ensure that you are raising a well-behaved, happy, and healthy dog.

The class is held at the hospital, so that your puppy will develop a strong positive association with hospital visits; making all future trips an enjoyable and stress-free experience.

Fecal floatations

Poppy as a puppy
During your puppy’s first few visits we will check a fecal sample for internal parasites and give your dog an oral deworming medication.  Almost all puppies have roundworms, which can be transmitted to people so it is very important to treat for this even if the fecal test comes back negative.  My favorite analogy for a negative fecal floatation is: when you go fishing you don’t always catch a fish but you know there are fish in the sea.  Once your puppy has been on monthly Interceptor (which in addition to heartworm prevention also has a deworming medication) and his immune system is fully developed he is much less susceptible to internal parasites.

We then recommend that a fecal floatation be done yearly to ensure your dog is parasite free.  While they are better able to clear a parasitic infection on their own it is possible for them to come across a reservoir of parasites in the environment (such as a dog park) and become infected.  This is one of the many reasons that picking up your dog’s poop is so important, it helps prevent the spread of parasitic disease.

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